Pronounced Lew-Khet, derived from the Latin word LuKet, meaning “To shine.”
"For god shines his light into the darkness." john 1:5
Luket Ministries desires to shine the name of Jesus in the lands which God has sent them to serve.
Luket's work is made possible by tax-deductible donations from senders with a heart for global missions.
“Now that I have seen”
The Luket Ministries tagline was planted in our hearts when we adopted our first daughter in Vietnam in 2006. It was on this trip where God peeled a layer off our eyes and we could truly see for the first time. Seeing changes everything.
Luket Ministries Covey
Covey: A group, gang, troupe, party, company or band.
Luket Covey Members use their unique giftings to refresh, support, and hold Luket missionaries accountable while serving on the mission field. The Covey provides an underpinning of integrity to the ministry.
Greg Pierce- Volunteer Executive Director
Bobby and Angela Ragan- Direct Care
Richard and Cleo Perryman- Financial Advisor
Ken McHale- Ministry Structure
Rhonda Runnels- Emotional Health
Tyler and Madison Vining- Ministry Advocate
Susan Morris- Spiritual Counsel
Becky Le- Adoption Support
Ed and Kristin Lydens- Accountability
Steven and Donna Smith- Ministry Counsel
Robert and Kiyla Fenell - Business Expertise
Chuck and Joyce Werner- Prayer
Dr. Uyen Le- US Pediatrics Specialist